Railway group d 2024 Apply Started for 32438 Posts

The Railway Recruitment Board released the CEN-08/2024 notification on December 28, 2024, and the online application portal opened on the official RRB websites starting January 23, 2025.

The dates for CBT sessions and their corresponding results will be published on the official websites of the specified RRBs.

Information regarding dates for PET, Document Verification, Medical Examination, and Empanelment will be regularly updated and accessible on the websites of the Railway Recruitment Cells.

The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) are accepting online applications from qualified Indian citizens and others for numerous positions within Level 1 of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) Pay Matrix across various Indian Railways units. Applications must be fully completed and submitted online to the selected Railway Recruitment Board by 11:59 PM on March 1 2025.

The deadline for application submissions has been moved to January 3rd, 2025.


In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected many candidates’ ability to meet age requirements for Railway recruitment, a one-time age concession of 3 years will be offered, exceeding the standard upper age limit.

Reservations for SC, ST, OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS, PwBD, ExSM & CCAA and relaxations in age for various eligible categories will be applicable as per details contained in this CEN.


1) Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the post(s) as on the closing date of submission of online application i.e. as on 22.02.2025. CANDIDATES WAITING FOR FINAL RESULTS OF PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION WHOSE FINAL RESULTS WILL BE DECLARED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE OF ONLINE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION SHOULD NOT APPLY.

2) Before filling up of the online application, candidates are advised to thoroughly read the entire instructions and information in the CEN contained in this notification and available on the websites of RRBs.

3) Candidates are advised to visit only official websites of the RRBs/RRCs and be very cautious about fake websites and job racketeers. Date for CBT and result of CBT will be uploaded on the official websites of the RRBs. Dates for PET, Document Verification, Medical Examination and Empanelment shall be intimated from time to time through the websites of RRCs.

4) Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active personal email ID and keep them active for the entire duration of recruitment as RRBs/RRCs shall send recruitment related communications only through SMS and email till the recruitment is completely over. RRBs/RRCs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage. Only one ONLINE Registration is permitted through one mobile number and one email ID under this CEN.

5) Applications are to be submitted ONLINE only through the link provided on RRB websites ONLY.ONLY one application is required to be submitted to the selected Railway for all its notified posts in this CEN. Candidates can apply to only one Railway. Application to more than one Railway will lead to rejection of all the applications. Any attempt to submit more than one application by a candidate against this CEN shall result in disqualification and debarment.

6) Candidates are required to go through the Post Parameter table and Vacancy table of this detailed CEN No. 08/2024 to ascertain their eligibility before applying through online mode. Only thereafter the candidates should exercise options for the Railways and post(s) within the Railway chosen as per their eligibility. The selection of Railway once exercised shall be final.

7) Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Application. Candidates need NOT send printouts of application or Certificates or copies to RRBs concerned by post. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith. Candidates can modify the application particulars except details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) and Chosen Railway, even after submission of application, but within the last date of modification window for correction in applications, by paying modification fee. However, after last date of modification window for correction in applications (06.03.2025), RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application.

8) Medical Fitness: Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the prescribed Medical Standards for the post(s) they are opting for. It is to be noted by the candidates that in case the candidate is found to shall not be given.

9) Age Limit as on 01.01.2025. 18 – 36 Years.

10) Crucial date for claim of SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/EBC status or any other benefit viz. fee concession, reservation, age relaxation, etc., where not specified otherwise, will be the closing date for submission of ONLINE applications against this CEN.

11) Center/City allocation for CBT/PET will depend upon technical and logistical feasibility. Candidates may have to travel to other Cities/States for attending CBT/PET. Request for Change of Exam Centre/date/shift shall NOT be allowed under any circumstance.

12) During the ONLINE APPLICATION, candidates will be asked to Create an Account. If a candidate has already Created an Account for any Indian Railways CEN of 2024, they should use same account credentials to log in and apply for this CEN (i.e. CEN No. 08/2024) as well. If the candidate has not Created an Account, he must first ‘Create an Account’ before proceeding to fill up the application for this CEN. Candidates are advised to fill in the details required for account creation with utmost care, as corrections of any kind will NOT be permitted once the account is created. Details filled in the ’Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) and Chosen Railway cannot be modified at any stage once the account is created. Candidates are advised, in their own interest to authenticate their identity using Aadhar during the “Create an Account” stage. If they missed this stage, they can still authenticate during the online application process by using the “Verify Aadhar” facility and providing their Aadhar details. This action needs to be done any time before final submission of application. This will facilitate a smoother process at different stages of recruitment for the candidates themselves.

13) After the submission of the ONLINE application (complete in all respects), if a candidate wishes to further modify, change or correct any detail except details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including Email ID and mobile number) and Chosen Railway, he/she may do so by paying a modification fee of Rs. 250/-(non-refundable) for each occasion from 25.02.2025 to 06.03.2025 (23:59 hours). Details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including Email ID and mobile number) and Chosen Railway cannot be changed.

14) After 06.03.2025, RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application.

15) To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to register and submit ONLINE application much before the closing date since there may be a possibility of inability/failure to log on to the website of RRB concerned on account of heavy load on the internet or website during last days of online registration.


Stages of Exam: The exam shall be a single stage Computer Based Test (CBT). Railway Administration however reserves the right to conduct the CBT in either single or multi stage mode. Candidates qualifying in the CBT shall have to undergo Physical Efficiency Test (PET). It will be followed by Document Verification and Medical Examination.

4) Call Letters: Candidates will have to download the City and Date Intimations, e- Call Letters and Travel Authority (wherever applicable) from the links provided on the official websites of RRBs/RRCs.

5) Normalization of Marks: Marks will be normalized for all the stages of exam involving multiple sessions.

6) Short Listing for PET: Railway/RRC wise short listing of candidates for PET shall be done at the rate of three times of the vacancies (may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway Administration). The short listing for PET will be based on the merit of the candidates in the CBT. Marks will be normalized for CBT involving multiple sessions.

7) Shortlisting of candidates for DV and Medical Examination shall be done Railway/RRC wise at the rate of 1:1 of the vacancies for that Railway/RRC, which shall be based on their merit in CBT and qualification in PET. The shortlisted candidates for DV shall be informed through official RRC websites as well as via SMS and email (to their registered mobile number and email ID) to download their E-call letters for appearing in DV.

8) Negative Marking: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in the CBT. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

9) Calling of candidates more than number of vacancies: Candidates more than the prescribed number of vacancies may be called for PET and/or the subsequent stages. This is to take care of candidates not turning up and similar exigencies in the recruitment process. It may clearly be noted that calling for and qualifying in PET and subsequent stages of DV and Medical Examination does not mean that candidate will be empaneled or that he/she deserves a vested right to be considered for appointment by Railways.

Candidates should enter their Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth as recorded in the SSLC/ Matriculation/SSC. Further, candidates should enter the roll number, certificate number & year of passing of SSLC/Matriculation/SSC exactly as per the certificate only.

However, candidates with ITI /NAC qualification alone can enter these details as per the ITI/NAC certificate.

In cases of name change, candidates should indicate their changed name as well as name mentioned in 10thClass/ matriculation certificate separately at appropriate places in the ONLINE application. However, other details should match with the Matriculation or Equivalent certificate. Date of such change (or) application for such change should be prior to the date of ONLINE application.

Gazette Notification or any other legal document as applicable for such cases should be submitted at the time of Document Verification (DV).

Signatures of the candidates on all documents should be identical in all stages of recruitment process and must be in running handwriting and not in block/ all capital or disjointed letters. Signatures in different style at the time of CBT/PET/DV etc., may result in cancellation of candidature.

Note: The Signature must be signed by the applicant only. The applicant’s signature obtained at the time of exams and/ or DV and/or Medical should match with the online application signature. In case it is found that there is mismatch of signature, his/her candidature may be cancelled. Further, legal prosecution may be initiated and candidate will be debarred for life time for Railway recruitments by RRBs/RRCs.

1.9 Dates of CBT/PET/DV will also be published on the websites of participating RRBs/RRCs. Thereafter, E-Call letters for the CBT/PET/DV should be downloaded ONLY from official websites of the RRBs/RRCs concerned. No call letter will be sent by post. The CBT/PET/DV center, date and shift indicated in the E-call letter shall be final, and no request for change of date/time/place will be entertained. RRBs/RRCs reserve the right to introduce additional CBTs and/or PET, additional DV etc. without assigning any reason.

1.10 Vacancies indicated in the CEN are provisional and may increase or decrease or even may become NIL in total or in specific communities/posts/units at a later stage depending upon the actual needs of the Railway Administration. Also, additional posts if required by the railway(s) may also be included at later stage.

1.15 Selected candidates who are finally appointed are liable for active service in Railway Engineers’ Unit of Territorial Army.

1.16 Free Train Travel Facility: Free Sleeper Class Railway Pass is admissible to SC/ST candidates. SC/ST candidates who wish to avail free travel authority will have to indicate ‘Yes’ in the relevant column in the ONLINE application and upload valid caste certificate. For such candidates, free Sleeper Class Railway Pass will be part of E-call letter when they are called for various stages of recruitment viz. CBT/PET/DV (as applicable) as per the details furnished and uploaded in ONLINE application. It is the responsibility of the candidates availing free travel authority to give the correct name of the Railway Station in online application, failing which their travel authority may not be valid for travel and obtaining reservation.

At the time of obtaining reservation and travelling, the Reservation Clerk and/or Ticket Checking Staff will ask for the original SC/ST community certificate for verification of genuineness of the candidate. Any attempt to misuse this travelling authority shall lead to rejection of candidature at any stage of the selection process including debarment for future examinations conducted by RRBs/RRCs and any other legal consequences.

1.17 RRBs/RRCs reserve the right to incorporate any subsequent changes/ modifications/ additions/ deletions in the terms and conditions of recruitment under this CEN as necessitated and applicable.

1.18 RRBs/RRCs may share, with the consent of the candidates, the scores obtained by them in RRB/RRC exams with other Ministries/Departments/Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) and Private organizations, for recruitment in their organizations. Candidates may give their consent for the same, or otherwise, in the ONLINE application.

Candidates called for DV will have to pass requisite medical fitness test(s) conducted by the Railway Administration to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties connected with the post(s) opted by them.

Age Limit – 18-36 years as of 01-01-2025

*To provide relief to many candidates who may have exceeded the age limit and missed the opportunity to participate in Railway recruitment due to the Covid -19 pandemic, it has been decided to grant a one-time age relaxation of 3 years beyond the prescribed upper age limit for the posts in Level-1.

The relaxation in upper age limit / maximum upper age for the following categories/communities in the table below is applicable subject to submission of requisite certificates. Sl. No.




OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL)

3 Years



5 Years


Ex-servicemen with at least 6 months service after attestation


3 years (after deduction of length of service from age)


6 years (after deduction of length of service from age)


Candidates must already have the Educational/Technical qualifications prescribed in the CEN from recognized Institute/University as on the last date (i.e. 22.02.2025) for submission of ONLINE application.

Diploma /Degree in Engineering will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprentices/ITI for the post of Level-1 unless otherwise specified. Graduate Act apprentice will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship (CCAA).


Candidates applying for the posts in this CEN have to pay the prescribed fee as per their category, detailed below: SL. No.

Candidate Category



For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below at Sl.No.2 Out of this fee of 500 an amount of 400 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in CBT.



For PwBD / Female /Transgender/ Ex-Servicemen candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/Minority Communities/ Economically Backward Class (EBC). (Caution to Candidates: EBC should not be confused with OBC or EWS) This fee of 250 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in CBT.


Modes of Payment of Fee

ONLINE fee payment only through internet banking, debit/credit cards or UPI etc. will be accepted. All applicable service charges shall be borne by the candidate.

7.2 Minorities shall include Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians (Parsis) subject to revision/deletion/inclusion, if any, received till the closing date of ONLINE submission of application for this CEN.

Candidates belonging to minority communities availing waiver of examination fee will be required to furnish, at the time of document verification “Minority Community Declaration” affidavit (as per Annexure-IV) on non-judicial stamp paper that they belong to any of the above minority communities, failing which their candidature will be rejected.

7.3 Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates are those whose annual family income is less than Rs. 50,000 and are eligible for concessional fee . For this, they should have

Valid Income Certificate on the date of application in the prescribed format (as per Annexure III A) on the letter head of the Issuing Authority. The following authorities are authorized to issue income certificate for the purpose of identifying economically backward classes: (1) District magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tahsildar

(2) Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own Constituency

(3) Sitting Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for persons of the district in which these MPs normally reside.

(4) Union Minister for any persons from anywhere in the country. (OR)

BPL Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation programme. (OR)

Izzat MST issued by Railways.

All EBC candidates who seek concessional fee, should fill in the relevant details of valid EBC certificate/BPL card/Izzat MST in the ONLINE application and the same must also be submitted in original, at the time of DV, failing which their candidature will be rejected.

NOTE: EBC and EWS are distinct categories, and EBC should not be confused with OBC. EBC candidates should be aware that they are entitled only for fee concession and not to job reservation.

7.4 REFUND OF EXAMINATION FEE (for those attending CBT):

i In case of online payment (Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking and UPI), the candidates should confirm if they wish to receive the refundable portion of examination fee (Rs. 400/- or Rs. 250/- as applicable) on attending the first stage CBT in the account from which they have made payment or alternatively provide the beneficiary account in which they wish to receive the refund viz. Beneficiary Name, Account Number, Name of Bank and its IFSC Code. The refundable portion of examination fee shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable.

ii The responsibility for furnishing correct bank account details lies on the candidates and RRB shall not entertain any correspondence from candidates on this ground.

iii There will be no refund of examination fee for erroneous, incomplete or rejected applications.

iv 14.1 Computer Based Test (CBT)

v All the eligible candidates have to undergo a Computer Based Test(s) on the specified date(s), time and venue(s) as per the e-call letter to be downloaded by the candidates from the websites of RRBs/RRCs. The information about the e-call letter download shall be communicated through the websites as well as registered email ID of the candidates.

The examination duration and number of questions for CBT are indicated below:

Exam Duration 90 Minutes

Total No of Questions 100 from below sections

General Science – 25

Mathematics – 25

General Intelligence and Reasoning – 30

General Awareness and Current Affairs – 20

variation in the actual question paper. There will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

Minimum percentage of marks for shortlisting in various communities: UR-40%, EWS-40%, OBC (Non creamy layer)-30%, SC-30%, ST-30%. These percentage of marks for eligibility may be relaxed by 2 marks for PwBD candidates in case of shortage of PwBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them.

Where a second stage CBT is deemed necessary and held, the Railway Administration reserves the right to treat the first stage CBT as a qualifying test for the purpose of short listing of reasonable number of candidates for the second stage.

Question Type and Syllabus:

The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to:

Mathematics,Number system, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.

General Intelligence and reasoning Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical Reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.

General Science The syllabus under this shall cover Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of 10th standard level (CBSE).

General Awareness on current affairs in Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics and any other subject of importance.

It may be noted that the topics listed above are illustrative and not necessarily exhaustive.


Based on the merit of the candidates in the CBT, candidates shall be called for PET three times the community wise total vacancy of the Posts notified against RRBs/RRCs. However, Railways reserve the right to increase/decrease this ratio as required to ensure availability of adequate/reasonable number of candidates for all the notified posts. Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory and the same will be qualifying in nature. The criteria for PET are as under

: Male candidates

Female candidates

Should be able to lift and carry 35 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down; and Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.

Should be able to lift and carry 20 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down; and Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.

1) The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) are exempted from appearing for PET. However, after qualifying in the CBT, such candidates will have to pass the medical examination prescribed for PwBD.

2) It is the candidates’ responsibility to ensure that they are medically fit enough to attempt the PET. Railways will not be responsible for any injury/harm suffered by candidates as a result of participating in the PET.

3) The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) consists of two stages. To ensure uniformity, candidates will be tested for Carrying of Weight to specified distance in specified time first and if successful in this test, for the Running Test after a recovery gap. Failing in the first Test, i.e. Weight carrying will mean elimination at that stage itself. The Weight carrying test will involve lifting a sand bag (without any handle) from a bench/platform at around waist height and carrying it in whichever manner candidate wants to carry above the ground till the destination point without dropping the sandbag on ground.

4) The Course Completed Act Apprentices will be exempted from Physical Efficiency Test.

ONLINE Mandatory Scanned Documents to be kept ready before filling the application: Recent, clear colour passport size photograph (against a plain white background) of the candidate in JPEG image (size 50 to 100 KB) – without wearing dark glasses and/or cap. The specifications of colour photograph must be as below: It should be a Colour Passport Photograph with white/light colour background. The dress should be non-white dress, preferably in dark colour. The colour photograph must not be older than two months with respect to last date for submission of the online application.

It should be of size 35mmX45mm or 320 x 240 pixels.

It should be in JPEG format scanned with minimum 100 DPI resolution.

The size of the photograph should be between 50-100KB.

The colour photograph must have been taken (Latest Photograph) in a professional studio. Photographs taken using mobile and self- composed portraits may result in rejection of application.

The photo should have clear front view of the candidate without cap and/or Hat and sunglasses and/or Dark glasses.

The face should occupy at least 50% of the area of the photograph with a full-face view looking at the camera directly.

The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head any cloth or any shadow.

Forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, neck, chin and both shoulders should be clearly visible. Further, the area of elbow/below elbow/ below chest portion should not be visible in the photo. Expression of face should be natural (no grinning/ frowning /raised eye brows). Eyes should be clearly open and looking straight to the front side. The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head, any cloth, or any shadow. The photo should be clear with proper resolution, brightness & sharpness and with continuous tone quality. The photo should be free from signature/name/dates or any other marks.

In case the candidate wears glasses, then the photograph should not have any glare/reflections on glasses and eyes should be clearly visible.

All the facial features of the applicant in photograph captured at the time of CBTs, Performance Test/Teaching Skill Test, Translation Test (as applicable), Document Verification and Medical test should match with the facial features in photograph submitted at the time of online application. In case, it is found that there is a mismatch of facial features in these photographs of a candidate, his/her candidature may be cancelled. Further, legal prosecution may be initiated and candidate will be debarred for life time for Railway recruitments for RRB/RRCs. In addition to this, the facial

features in photo on the Photo ID produced during the CBTs, Performance Test/Teaching Skill Test, Translation Test (as applicable), Document Verification and Medical test should be same as facial features in photograph uploaded in the online application. To ensure this, candidates are advised to get their photograph on photo ID updated with the recent photograph.

PwBD candidates should also upload passport photograph as per above specifications only and not the full body photograph used in the disability certificate.

For the purpose of Document Verification and Medical test, the candidates are advised to keep at least 12 copies of photograph which was uploaded by them in their online application.

Scanned JPEG image of candidate’s signature in running handwriting (size 30 to 50 KB). The specifications of candidate’s signature must be as below: The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen only.

Signature must be in running letters and NOT IN BLOCK / CAPITAL LETTERS.

The image should be in JPEG format with minimum of 100 DPI resolution.

Dimensions of 50 mm x 20 mm or 140 x 60 pixels (preferred).

Size of file should be between 30 KB – 50 KB.

Signature image should have proper resolution and complete image of signature should be visible in the centre of its box in the online application.

SC/ST Certificate (only for candidates requesting free pass for train travel) in pdf format (up to 500 KB).

PwBD candidates should also upload passport size photograph as per above specifications only (and not the full body photograph used in the disability certificate).

Scribe (Applicable to eligible PwBD candidates only): Provide details of Scribe duly uploading his/her passport size photograph (against a plain white background) of the scribe in JPEG image (size 50 to 100 KB) – without wearing dark glasses and/or cap. Furnishing of information of Scribe is mandatory. Change of Scribe at the exam venue is generally not permitted. However, under exceptional circumstances the change may be allowed duly recording reasons and filling the relevant details including photograph of the Scribe.

Candidates can avail the services of the Common Services Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India under the Digital India initiatives for submitting ONLINE applications. The Common Services Centre (CSC) scheme is a part of the National eGovernance Plan (NeGP) of the Government of India and is managed at each village panchayat level by a Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE). There are more than 1.5 lakhs Common Services Centers (CSC) across the country which will provide the desired support to candidates from urban as well as rural areas in the submission of online Application Form and payment of fee through e-wallet. The list of the Common Services Centers is available on the website: www.csc.gov.in. To know the nearest Common Services Centre, please open the link – Find My CSC (https://findmycsc.nic.in/csc/).

Candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application and fill up the personal details/Bio-Data, fee paid etc, carefully. They are also required to exercise their option/ preference for Post(s) and Railway(s).

The onus is on the candidates to prove with valid documents that all the information submitted by them in the ONLINE application is true.

However, in addition to the above, candidates must keep their personal mobile number and personal e-mail ID active throughout the recruitment process, so that communication can be sent through SMS and/or email.

RRBs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage.

Candidates are advised to carefully note and remember their Registration Number for further stages of recruitment process and correspondence with RRBs/RRCs.


After Creating an account, please follow the instructions for filling up the ONLINE application.

Candidates must fill the ONLINE application form with correct information and re-check before submission.

Applicant will not be able to make any correction in the ONLINE application after submission of the online application.

Medium of Examination: Questions for CBT will be available in English, Hindi and 13 regional Indian languages (viz., Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu). Accordingly, candidates must choose their medium of examination from any one amongst those listed in the ONLINE application form. CBT questions will be displayed in the language opted and in English. In case of any difference/ discrepancy/dispute in the Questions between English and the opted language, the content of English version shall prevail.

After submission of online application, candidate will be directed to opt for the mode of payment of examination fee and complete the payment process. IMPORTANT: Please be cautious about the genuineness of the mode of payment as well as the closing date and time for submission of ONLINE applications against this CEN, while making payment. Avoid unauthorized websites.

Finally, acceptance of ONLINE application will happen only after receiving confirmation of fee payment. The applicant will receive a confirmation on successful payment ONLINE through email & SMS.

Submitting RRB applications through the Aadhaar verification mode by the candidate will facilitate smooth entry to examination centres and streamline the post-exam process for applicants.

Candidate also has facility to provide consent to Digilocker, in order to receive e-call letter through their Digilocker account.


After the final submission of the ONLINE application, if a candidate wishes to further modify, change or correct any detail except details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) and Chosen Railway, he/she may do so by paying a modification fee of Rs. 250/- (non-refundable) for each occasion. Details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) and Chosen Railway cannot be changed.

The modification fee is to be paid by all candidates irrespective of community and category.

In the case of a candidate modifying his community from SC/ST to UR or OBC, he will have to pay the difference in examination fee i.e. 250/- in addition to the modification fee. In case of failure to do so, his modified application will not be accepted.

Similarly, if a candidate is switching from Ex.SM/PwBD to UR/OBC(NCL)/Non Ex.SM/Non PwBD etc. and from Female/Transgender to Male he will have to pay the difference in examination fee i.e. Rs. 250 in addition to the modification fee. In case of failure to do so, his modified application will not be accepted.

Modifications of ONLINE application will be allowed any number of times on payment of the modification fee for each occasion.

ONLINE modifications to the ONLINE application, along with the payment of the modification fee, will be permitted up to 10 (ten) days after the last date for application fee payment i.e., 24.02.2025(23:59 hrs) for this CEN. The modification window will remain open from 25.02.2025 to 06.03.2025 (23:59 hours). After this period, RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application.

Comparison to Previous RRB Group D Notification :

Earlier RRB Published Notification on 23-02-2019 for 103769 posts.

 1st CBT happened on  23rd February 2022 ( Covid-19 was another factor the exam being delayed.

The CBT Result declared on 23.12. 2022

RRB Group D 2019 Cutoff Zone-wise

RRB Group D Cut-Off 2019
RRB Group D Cut-Off for AJMERCategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.432632.58236
CCAA in Railways41.1681130.342630.715936.44781
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.342630.3426
CCAA in Railways42.5914531.0891930.715932.20906
RRB Group D Cut-Off for BHOPALCategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.342630.7159
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.715930.3426
CCAA in Railways40.7948230.342631.4624831.46248
CCAA in Railways40.4215330.342630.342632.95565
RRB Group D Cut-Off for CHENNAICategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways41.541430.342630.3304130.7159
CCAA in Railways40.7948230.342631.4624831.08919
CCAA in Railways40.4215330.342630.342631.83577
RRB Group D Cut-Off for KOLKATACategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342631.089190
RRB Group D Cut-Off for MUMBAICategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.3041830.342630.7159
RRB Group D Cut-Off for PATNACategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.715937.43518
RRB Group D Cut-Off for RANCHICategoryUROBCSCST
CCAA in Railways40.0482330.342630.342630.3426
CCAA in Railways40.4215330.342630.342631.94469

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